The following waiver is standard on all of our registration forms. By submitting your order with us, you are agreeing to the information below. If you have any questions or comments, please call 310.443.7607 immediately.
If you continue with the registration process, you are agreeing to the following:
I, the parent/legal guardian, warrants that the student is physically fit and able to participate in the camp activities, and consent to any employee, agent, or other personnel affiliated with PlanetBravo's courses and classes (“PlanetBravo personnel”) to seek medical attention and treatment or other measures deemed necessary or advisable in the discretion or judgment of PlanetBravo personnel for the student(s) who I am enrolling in the event of an accident, sudden illness, or other condition that occurs while the student is in the care or under the supervision of PlanetBravo personnel. Furthermore, I, the student's parent/legal guardian, ensure that the student has had all immunizations as required by his/her school.
I, the student's parent/legal guardian, further understand that PlanetBravo personnel will make reasonable efforts to notify me or another parent/guardian of the student in the case of an accident, sudden illness or other condition, but authorize PlanetBravo personnel to seek such care or treatment, and for any care or treatment to be administered, even in the event that I or another parent or legal guardian are not contacted prior to the seeking or rendering of such, care, treatment, or other measures.
Ultimately, PlanetBravo cannot guarantee the current wellness of all campers attending and makes no warranties. Parents and students assume all risks associated with group activities such as this PlanetBravo camp.
I, the parent/legal guardian agreeing to this form, release PlanetBravo, LLC, from and of any liability for such decisions or actions in seeking medical care, and agree to pay all the costs and fees for the medical care or treatment authorized under this emergency medical authorization.
LAST UPDATED: 11/17/2024
By clicking the "I Agree" button, I acknowledge that I have read and do accept the terms and conditions of the above agreement.